All my life, my last name was mispronounced. To help people remember, I’d say it’s like “more happiness” or “More Glee.” In 2018, I painfully contemplated losing my last name, Moergeli. Despite the joy of being engaged and anticipating a future with Dave, becoming a Loibl felt like a loss. At that time, I was also searching for a name for my business. When the solution of naming it More Glee Cousnseling, it was a win-win. The best parts of us never should leave.
Therapeutic Approaches
Pooch, Play and Paint
I approach therapy with a light-hearted and comfortable attitude. Whether it’s having my dog Archie with me, dabbling in watercolors, or playing a game, therapy is about creating an enjoyable experience.”
Bridging Psychological with Biological
As someone trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), I’ve seen firsthand its effectiveness in reducing distressing symptoms stemming from challenging life experiences. This widely researched, evidence-based therapy uses the brain’s natural ability to process and integrate maladaptive memories, behavior patterns, and beliefs that hinder your progress. In essence, EMDR empowers your brain and body to embark on a journey towards healing.